History of the Establishment of Yaspend PABA by Ir. Abdul Latief Syarifin
Yayasan Pendidikan Panca Abdi Bangsa (Yaspend PABA) was established on January 1, 1983 by Ir. Abdul Latief Syarifin in Binjai City with the noble ideals of educating the nation’s children, which then developed rapidly to become an outstanding educational institution with various superior facilities, prioritizing five services to God, religion, parents, teachers, and society, and implementing ISO 9001: 2015 management to improve the quality of education.
Explore a vibrant collection of visual masterpieces, capturing the essence of our academic journey, campus life, and student achievements. Immerse yourself in a kaleidoscope of images that tell the unique story of our vibrant and dynamic community.
“My university experience has been outstanding, thanks to the dedicated faculty, diverse opportunities, and a supportive community. It’s where I’ve grown academically and personally, making lifelong connections along the way.”
Twink Carrol
Graduate of 2022,Department of CSE
“My university experience has been outstanding, thanks to the dedicated faculty, diverse opportunities, and a supportive community. It’s where I’ve grown academically and personally, making lifelong connections along the way.”